Paint Forge Product Line
High quality self-adhesive grass tufts manufactured in Poland. Wide variety of colours and affordable price make it a #1 choice with tabletop gamers and modellers in Poland.
Choose your tufts!
Paint Forge line consists of more than 70 tufts of various colour and size. Choose between:
30 natural-coloured grass tufts of 6mm height (natural for 28mm gaming)
13 high-growing tufts (12mm) of natural colours
8 'Alien' tufts, designed specially for Sci-Fi miniature games
28 flower tufts of various colours and texture
Flowers in 28 colours
An eye-catching base adds life to a miniature. Even in the darkest of universes, a flower or two on your warrior's bases will constitute a nice addition to the looks of your army. See what Paint Forge can do here!
Alien Tufts
In Sci-Fi worlds, every planet can have its own, alien vegetation. Paint Forge Alien Tufts can add variety to am army design. Pick a colour that most complements your army scheme!
Product Chart - Most Current List
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