Age of Sigmar 4th Edition3 products.
Sigmar has failed. He broght false hope to all of the Mortal Realms. Now, in the wake of Skaven invasion, brave Stormcast Eternals come to face the evil!
IVth edition of the most popular fantasy miniature game in the world, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, is coming upon us! It is a great feast for all of the AoS fans.
Delve into what #newaos has to offer! You can start by grabbing one of the new Skaventide starter sets.
On sale!- 15 %
Age of Sigmar: Paints + Tools (2024)
Farby i narzędzia - wszystko w małym zestawie, akurat na start figurkowego hobby!
131,44 zł cart
On sale!- 15 %
Age of Sigmar: Stormcast + Paint Set (2024)
110,24 zł cart
On sale!- 15 %
Age of Sigmar: Skaven + Paint Set (2024)
Farby, figurki i pędzel - wszystko w małym zestawie, akurat na start przygody z frakcją Skaven!
110,24 zł cart