Auxiliary Painting Materials8 products.
PVA glue 250gr
25,00 zł cart
PVA glue 125gr
17,00 zł cart
GSW E600 Adhesive for Acrylic Plastics - 9ml
16,00 zł cart
Cement glue for plastics 40ml
Plastic Cement Glue for modeling
31,00 zł cart
Tuft Glue 60ml
29,00 zł cart
SkullGlue Cement for plastics
Doskonale wiążący klej do plastiku od Green Stuff World, w niebanalnej buteleczce.
27,00 zł cart
GSW Cyanocrylate Adhesive - GEL formula - with precision tips
25,00 zł cart
GSW Cyanocrylate Adhesive EXTRA with precision tips
25,00 zł cart