Auxiliary Painting Materials8 products.
PVA glue 125gr
17,00 zł cart
PVA glue 250gr
25,00 zł cart
Tuft Glue 60ml
29,00 zł cart
GSW E600 Adhesive for Acrylic Plastics - 9ml
16,00 zł cart
Cement glue for plastics 40ml
Plastic Cement Glue for modeling
31,00 zł cart
SkullGlue Cement for plastics
Doskonale wiążący klej do plastiku od Green Stuff World, w niebanalnej buteleczce.
27,00 zł cart
GSW Cyanocrylate Adhesive - GEL formula - with precision tips
25,00 zł cart
GSW Cyanocrylate Adhesive EXTRA with precision tips
25,00 zł cart