Historical13 products.
Historical miniature games
Hail Caesar
Gra bitewna osadzona w historycznych realiach wieków od...Pike & Shotte
Gra bitewna osadzona w historycznych realiach lat 1500 -...Black Powder
Gra bitewna osadzona w historycznych realiach lat 1700 -...Bolt Action
A historical World War II wargame by Warlord Games....
Team Yankee
Figurkowa gra bitewna w świecie political fiction. Zimna...Achtung Panzer!
Achtung Panzer! puts YOU in command...

On sale!- 18 %
ASU-85 Assault Gun Company
199,26 zł cart
On sale!- 20 %
Armadillo Mk III Self-propelled Gun
138,00 zł cart
On sale!- 20 %
ZIS-30 Tank Destroyer
120,00 zł cart
On sale!- 20 %
Marder III Ausf. M tank destroyer
128,00 zł cart
On sale!- 18 %
Kanonenjagdpanzer Zug
Contains 4 Kanonenjagdpanzer Self-propelled Guns and 1 Unit Card
169,74 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
Wiesel TOW Panzerabwehr Zug
Contains 4 Wiesel TOW Tank-hunters and 1 Unit Card
95,94 zł Zapytaj o dostępność
On sale!- 18 %
Jagdpanzer IV Tank-Hunter Platoon
Contains 4x Jagdpanzer IV (7.5cm) Tank-hunters, 1x Decal Sheet and 1x Unit Card
177,12 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
SU-76 Light SP Battery
Contains 4 SU-76 light self-proplled guns
169,74 zł Zapytaj o dostępność
On sale!- 18 %
Hornisse Tank Hunter Platoon
Contains 2 Hornisse tank hunters
110,70 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
Ferdinand Tank Hunter Platoon
Contains 2 Ferdinand tank hunters
95,94 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
Marder (7.62cm) Tank-hunter Platoon
Contains 4 Marder (7.62cm) self-propelled tank hunters
169,74 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
Storm Anti-tank Platoon
129,15 zł
cartOn sale!- 18 %
Jaguar Jagdpanzer Zug
Contains 3 Jaguar 1 or 2 and unit cards
147,60 zł